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The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Freedom Party - 2
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Freedom Party - 2
by SPCK - Tom Wright
2 The Freedom Party Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN To get into this next party, we will go back in time, and some distance in space. We are in the Jewish quarter of a small town in Turkey in about 200 BC. Like the Martian speaking English, you manage somehow to speak fluent Aramaic (t
Transforming Preaching - Using visual images
Transforming Preaching - Using visual images
by SPCK - David Heywood
3 A step-by-step guide to sermon preparation Using visual images The first two vital ingredients in any sermon are the message and the structure, deciding what God is calling you to say and planning how you want to say it. The third ingredient provides the vital spark that makes
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - GOD SO LOVED the WORLD
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - GOD SO LOVED the WORLD
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
GOD SO LOVED the WORLD THINGS As we saw before, this passage can be read either as the end of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, or as a separate comment by the evangelist. Who says it, is less important than what it says, for it is one of this gospel’s supreme passages, full of
Many will fall at the sign of the child
Many will fall at the sign of the child
by Michael Docker
Many will fall at the sign of the child, Just as many will rise with him too: The words of the prophecy speak to our world Lord, inspire us with what we must do When the sign is opposed many thoughts will be known As the actions of some make them plain; The Saviour who died holds
Prayer: Sheltering God
Prayer: Sheltering God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Sheltering God Sheltering God, we need your help and your protection – when we are under attack because of our commitment to you: when we feel vulnerable in an uncaring world: when we are made to feel foolish by those who think our beliefs are out-dated: when there is rea
Meditation: Immersive God
Meditation: Immersive God
by Jane Bingham
A short meditation on that God is about Immersive God Air that we breathe - God Water we drink - God Light that we see - God Love that we feel - God Ideas and thoughts we contemplate - God People we meet - God Choices we make - God Life that we live - God All we are and all that
The Traffic Light Prayer
The Traffic Light Prayer
by Doug Burke
The Traffic Light Prayer Each morning going to school, my family pray for people. At my 12 yr old son's turn, the traffic light turned to amber. My son prayed for amber light Christians who didn't know if they should go or stop. They hadn't made up their mind yet. He then praye
The Power of the Parable - Riddle Parables
The Power of the Parable - Riddle Parables
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
chapter 1 Riddle Parables So That They May Not Understand Nessun dorma— “Nobody sleeps tonight”— proclaims the Princess Turandot in Giacomo Puccini’s final opera, Turandot, unfinished at his death in 1924. Nobody can sleep because a riddle must be solved before the dawn. Here is
Monologue/Drama: Timothy speaks